Yabba-Dabba-Don’t tell mom the cockatrice is dead.-ep20

Yabba-Dabba-Don’t tell mom the cockatrice is dead…

Yabba-Dabba-Don’t tell mom the cockatrice is dead. Blake-Kate-Dave Yabba Dabba Don’t make any more Flintstones jokes Star trek songs, a Show called Night Shift? Randy Newman is going to be pissed. We Review/Talk about the new Flintstones books. Luke Cage - Is awesome. Also, lets talk about Wu-Tang. @thecomictrope FB/Twitters/Instagram Sprite did rap commercials in the 90’s Superpower Icebreaker powered by powerlisting.wikia.com Dave sings the animaniacs song, and he is not happy I am publishing it. Cyclops apologists. Eclipse by Image. Don’t tell mom the babysitter is dead?